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 - Sensing your Innerself -

Dear Alex,

Your soul or Innerself is your quiet guide in life.

It communicates through feelings.

When you feel happy, your soul and your ego are in harmony and you sense a feeling of unity.

When you sense a feeling of separation or tension in your solar plexus, pay attention because your ego and your soul might be on a different path.

The exercise we are about to undertake will make you more sensitive to situations where you are aligned and situations where you are not aligned.

Being aligned with your soul is a great source of strength in life and provides a deep sense of satisfaction.

The session comes in two versions:
  • In PowerPoint, without sound. Best for desktops and laptops.
  • In PDF, without sound. Best for tablets and smartphones.

The session takes 10 minutes.

When you are ready to start in Powerpoint, click here.

When you are ready to start in PDF, click here.

When you are in the session, to move along, simply click or slide.


your grandfather. 


For further writings by Cornel Slenters, explore the website trilogy dedicated to:
LOTA science theories & debates
Emotional Intelligence