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The Creativity Multiplier

Dear Alex,

This process works best in a group, from as small as 2 people to as large as 20.

The process still works above 20, but the volume of ideas becomes difficult to manage.


You will need a leader to guide the team through the process.

You will need two empty PET bottles for every participant. (handout before the start)
You will need three Q cards (index cards) - 5x7 cm - for every participant to write on. (handout before the start)
You will need a problem to work on. (get agreement with the group before the start)
A good sized display is recommended, since it makes a difference in results.

The process
  • The process starts with getting into the mood and having all parts of your body and brain active.
  • Then you start to address your problem with four questions, designed to stimulate 'out of the box' thinking. These questions are carefully selected and should not be changed.
    • The group size will govern how this is done, keeping in mind that you will always have two people per question:
      • With 2 participants you will handle each question in sequence.
      • With 8 participants you will have four teams of two, each team focused on one question.
      • With 20 participants you will have four teams of five, each team focused on one question.
  • Then you get into the idea generating phase.
    • The idea is to generate wild ideas and many.
    • Participants note their ideas on Q cards.
    • When they dry up on ideas, they exchange cards with the partners on the same team.
    • The partners then add ideas to these cards, whatever comes to mind (no judgment).
    • When ideas dry up, group the cards for each question together and mark them as such.
The leader responsibilities
  • Look at the PowerPoint show several times beforehand to get a good feel for the flow.
  • Organize the four teams before you start the session. (no questions assigned yet)
  • Handout PET bottles and Q cards before you start.
  • Get the problem agreed before you start.
  • During the warming up phase, be a cheerleader and get a party mood going.
  • When the four questions show up for the first time on the screen, assign each team to a question.
  • Then move on quickly to the idea stimulating slides while the mood is still 'high'.
  • Collect the Q-cards at the end, grouped by question, in preparation for the analysis phase.

All ideas are valid.
Only after the session is over do you sort through the data for valid ideas.

The session comes in the form of a PowerPoint show, with sound.

Requires approximately 20 minutes.

It is fun and really works.

To start the PowerPoint show,
click here.

When in the show, click the spacebar to move along, slowly!

your grandfather.


For further writings by Cornel Slenters, explore the website trilogy dedicated to:
LOTA science theories & debates
Emotional Intelligence